Telefono - 040 763311 | email - | indirizzo - P.zza dell’Ospitale, 2 – 34129 Trieste
La cura del paziente
Cosa significa per noi “cura odontoiatrica”?

“La nostra prima attenzione è mettere a proprio agio ogni paziente”.
Abbiamo raccolto qui sotto le recensioni dei nostri pazienti, che hanno voluto dedicarci un pensiero personale. A tutti loro va il nostro più grande ringraziamento.
Oltre ai nostri pazienti, è bello vedere che anche colleghi e professionisti del settore apprezzano il nostro lavoro.
Postiamo qui sotto le belle parole che il collega australiano Paul Toumazos ci ha dedicato, dopo una visita nel nostro studio.

Hi Thomas,
I would like to thank you personally as well as your staff for the wonderful hospitality you have offered me while in your beautiful city. Your willingness to share your extensive knowledge in so many areas of dentistry (from advanced implants techniques, to craniofacial pain to airways & apnoea, to aesthetic designs, and so many more) it was both impressive but also obliging. your patients must be feeling very fortunate that they have you to look after their dental needs. You are an absolute gem!! And this comes from a person like me, nearly 35 years in dentistry. Keep up the wonderful work that you do, keeping your patients’ care as your No.1 priority. I also thank you for your friendship. Hope to see you “Downunder” (in Australia) soon!!
Here are some of my Italian trip’s great memories

Natale 2019
Caro Dott. Fischer
Ringrazio lei e le sue collaboratrici per l’esito positivo che ha avuto il mio percorso non facile.
Auguro a tutti voi e alle vostre famiglie buone feste.
Con affetto, Silvana
Dr. Doctor Fischer and the team,
I would like to thank you for your service offered to me by you and your team, your professional and immediate response to my dental need!
From the initial contact ( which was immediate ) and next day booked appointment , to resolving the problem with my tooth along with the detailed explanation treating the issue in the future.
I was left very impressed with your professional approach, multilingual skills that were necessary to be able to explain patient concern, and quick assistance in the city that I am unfamiliar with and where I currently happen to spend my time.
Thanking you and your team again with best wishes for your future continuing and successful business.
Respectfully yours,
Sasha Plamenac

Come prendere appuntamento
- Tel: 040 763311
- E-mail: